Best Genre Short Stories Anthology #1

24 of the Best Literary Genre short stories selected from Crime, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery and Science Fiction. The offbeat premises, intriguing ideas and excitement of Genre Fiction are mixed with the depth and characters of Literary Fiction. The category of Literary Fiction is growing quickly because it has characteristics that appeal to any reader. The stories in this anthology are not categorized by genre, so you don’t know what to expect until you are engrossed in each story. If you’re used to reading only one genre, you may be surprised that you like other, or overlapping, genres when you are exposed to quality examples.

 232 pages, containing stories by Manfred Gabriel, Nik Korpon, Ken Lizz, David Dalglish, Allen Kopp, Kevin Atherton, Sophie Playle, Steve Lowe, M. J. Waller, Jenny Schwartz, Keith G. Laufenberg, Norman A. Rubin, John P. Wilson, Fred Ollinger, Billy Wong, J. R. Carson, Spyder Collins, Jonah Koenigseker, James A. Stewart, Zoe Zygmunt, John F. D. Taff, Paul Provenza, and Tom Olbert.



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